12th December 2016

Assurance Of Salvation Certificate


I …………………….am absolutely confident that I am saved for time and eternity, and should I suddenlydie today I would go immediately to heaven, I am one of God’schildren now. I believe it for it is written in the BibleJoh.1:12

I possess salvation, I have eternal life,Joh.3:36 it is the Life of God, It is divine Life,

Joh.10:28,29 * Joh.11:25,26 * 1Joh.5:10-13 * Joh.17:2-9 * 1Cor.15:12-58 * Rev.21:4

As God’s child I will not rely on feeling, because I do not have to feel it,I know it now


1.I BELIEVE The witness of the Holy SpiritRom.8:14-16the Holy Spirit agreeswith my spirit and convinced me before I was saved of my sin, of righteousness and of the judgement to come, Now His voice has changed. He speaks peace to the soul, grants inner peace and confirms that I belong to Jesus Gal.4:6He gently whispers to my spirit that I am His child now

2. I BELIEVE the Word of God, the Bible, andI trust the Word ,if the devil tempts me to doubt, I will put my finger on verse 1Joh.5:10-13and rebuke him in the name of Jesus , then Satan will flee from me when I say this to him


I declare that I believed in Jesus Christ

I Asked Him to come into my life

I nowhave eternal life

I am saved

My sins are forgiven

I am on my way to heaven

I have the proof

Joh.5:24 * Acts.13:39 * Luke 7:48 * Rom.10:13


3. I BELIEVE My life have been changed because ,eople see the change in me 1Jon.3:14 * 1Joh.3:9

I am a new creature in Jesus 2Cor.5:17 I have new affections, new likes, new dislikes, new loves, new habits, new hatreds



Lord search my heart * See if I possess salvation * See if I am truly saved *

* See If Jesus truly lives inside me * Help me never to doubt the Bible *

O Lord take away false security * I want to know the truth



I will always remember that The Holy Spirit searches my heart

Now that I have Assurance of my salvation the Spiritwill make me a stronger Christian

Assurance is not a principle or pride, it is trusting in the Word of God

My salvation leaves me humble;this can only be done by God’s grace and mercy

I realize that it is faith that honours, pleases and rejoices God’s heartHeb.11:6To have Faith means to be sure of the things we hope for and to be certain of the things that we cannot see. Heb.11:1





Date ………………………… Signature ………………………..

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