Hadrosaur Soft Tissues Another Blow to Long-Ages Myth by Brian Thomas, M.S. * Recently-discovered dinosaur soft tissues, and even blood cells, represent some of the biggest hurdles for long-age evolutionary belief. Soft tissue was found in the femur of a large Tyrannosaurus rex about a decade ago, and more was discovered in another T. rex […]

What is the Babylonian Genisis……Answered by: James……Answer: The Babylonian Genesis is basically the Babylonian creation myth otherwise known as EnumaElis. It has similarities to the creation account of the Biblical Genesis and was recorded in written form in Sanskrit hundreds of years before the Hebrew account. Nevertheless the Jewish history was an oral account long […]

“Is the concept of Lucifer’s Flood biblical?”……Answer: There have been attempts by some Christians to reinvent the Genesis account of the creation in order to make it compatible with the theories of modern geology and evolution. Of these, there are three that are most popular: theistic evolution, progressive creation, and the Gap Theory, from which […]

The Atrakhasis Epic Spelt many different ways, the Atra-Hasis Epic is a Mesopotamian ancient record of Creation and the Flood dating from the seventeenth century BC, named after Atrahasis the “exceedingly wise” figure of narrative. It is of interest, particularly to biblical archaeologists, as there are similarities with the record of Creation and the Flood […]

“Did the Bible copy some of its stories from other religious myths and legends?”……Answer: There are many stories in the Bible that have remarkable similarities with stories from other religions, legends, and myths. For the purposes of this article, we will examine two of the more prominent examples. For a detailed comparison of Noah’s Flood […]

Hadrosaur Soft Tissues Another Blow to Long-Ages Myth by Brian Thomas, M.S. * Recently-discovered dinosaur soft tissues, and even blood cells, represent some of the biggest hurdles for long-age evolutionary belief. Soft tissue was found in the femur of a large Tyrannosaurus rex about a decade ago, and more was discovered in another T. rex […]