INTRODUCTION Ôö¼┬« Rosemary Bardsley 2007 The title of this study series, 'How to deal with false teaching', assumes a number of facts: 1. That there is such a thing as 'false teaching' 2. That there is such a thing as teaching that is not 'false' 3. That, in a fundamental and eternal sense, it actually […]

Study 1: know the bible's perspective on human ideologies Throughout the Bible there is clear evidence that belief in the God who claims in the Bible to be the only true God, has, since Genesis 3, been repeatedly either distorted or replaced by other belief systems or ideologies. The rejection of the word and the […]

Study 8: Know the key areas of doctrine affected by false teaching False teaching is exactly that: false teaching. Part of the subtlety of false teaching, and part of the ease with which it deceives people is due to the fact that a lot of what false teachers write or say is true, or sounds […]

Study 6: Obey the biblical commands about false teaching Our attitude and response to false teaching and false teachers is a matter of obedience to our Lord. He knows that false teaching is present, and will continue to be present until he returns. His word contains clear instructions that tell us what we should do […]

Study 7: Understand the importance of our minds Contemporary Christianity displays a serious ignorance of the importance of our minds. One could say that contemporary popular Christianity has for a large part abdicated its mind. In its emphasis on unity, on experience, on feelings and on relationship it appears to have overlooked the biblical emphasis […]

Study 5: Understand the present and final impact of false teaching What the New Testament letters and Revelation teach about the present and final impact of false teaching is rather overwhelming. It is listed here with only minimal comment. The reader is strongly encouraged to look up the scripture references and study them in context. […]

Study 4: Recognize the true nature of false teachers and false teaching This study looks at what the New Testament states about the nature of false teachers and their message. It does not contain much in the way of explanation or comment, but presents what the New Testament says and leaves its readers to come […]