12th December 2016

Temprament Test Myself

Excerpt from your 40-page Life Guide

John, how you compare to the average person

Knowing how you compare to the average person can give you insight into which parts of your personality stand out when you interact with other people.

Here you will find a graphical description of how you compare to the average male and female in each of the eight key personality areas. In the case of personality measurement, it is important to remember that ‘average’ does not mean ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or even ‘normal’, it simply tells you the ‘most common’ score. You can consider the areas in which you deviate most from the average to be the areas of your personality that stand out the most when you interact with other people. These areas are the guiding parts of your character.

Your Comparison to the Average


Average Male

Average Female

Your Score























You are similar to most males in your extroversion level. Like you, most males are outgoing and social, but also appreciate having some quiet time on their own.

Males and females typically differ in their extroversion level. The average female is more extroverted than the average male is. Compared to the average male, the average female likes to be more often surrounded by people and interactions.


Average Male

Average Female

Your Score























You are more relaxed and calm than the average male and female are when it comes to stress and feeling intense emotions. The average male and female are more reactive to their feelings and mood swings than you are. Your balanced way of dealing with emotions is a guiding part of your personality.

The average male and female are similar in their level of emotionality. Women, however, tend to talk about their feelings and emotions more than men do. Starting in early childhood, girls are encouraged to express their feelings more than boys are.

Your comparison to the average continues in your 40-page Life Guide with the following comparisons:

  • Thoroughness

  • Openness

  • Agreeableness

  • Sensing vs. Intuiting

  • Thinking vs. Feeling

  • Judging vs. Perceiving

  • Knowing how you compare to the average will help you understand how others perceive you and where you stand out from the average.

    Your Life Guide is a detailed, expert assessment of your personality. It will help you understand your needs better, where you stand out from the average and which environment and life style suit you best.

    In your Life Guide:

    What makes you happy?Why do you do things the way you do?What is your primary motivation?How do you compare to the average?Where does your personality come from?What were your childhood influences?How did birth order affect you?What are your tools for a more fulfilled life?


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