“What is the Restoration movement?”……Answer: The Restoration Movement, part of the broader movement called "Restorationism" (see below) began in the early 19th Century when a conglomeration of members from different Christian groups and denominations decided they had gotten away from the basics of Christianity. Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and others abandoned their formal denominations with hopes […]
“Who was Joseph Smith?”……Joseph Smith is widely known as the founder of the Mormon Church also known as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Joseph Smith from an early age was thought to have certain occult powers. He was known at a young age as a seer and reportedly used a seer stone […]
“Why do Mormons refer to themselves as Latter Day Saints?”……When the hunger for religious experience peaked in the 1800's, the lack of unity among the differing branches of Christian faith became a stumbling block. A man named Joseph Smith emerged to propose his own reported religious experiences as the solution. He declared himself to be […]
Should a Christian vote for a Mormon?………To start, let me say that while the candidacy of Mitt Romney is the reason for this question, it is not, in reality, an issue that is limited to Mitt Romney or Mormonism. The same questions would be raised about a candidate who is a Jehovah’s Witness, Buddhist, or […]
“Witnessing to Mormons – what is the key?”……As a preface to this answer, please see our article on Mormonism and what Mormons believe. As Christians, we always want to use the Bible and its timeless truths as our primary tool in witnessing the love of God and salvation through Christ. One of the problems with […]
Mormonism Fails the Belief System Test……By Robin Schumacher……Many decades ago, Christian theologian and philosopher Dr. John Edward Carnell proposed a systematic method for testing any belief system to determine its validity. Although some criticize his approach, it still remains a good rule of thumb for evaluating worldview claims.……Carnell said for any belief system to be […]
“I am a Mormon, why should I consider becoming a Christian?”……Answer: If we assume that the Bible is the Word of God (both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young believed this), then an examination of the foundational beliefs of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saints (if those beliefs are reliable) should show them to be consistent […]