“What is the gift of encouragement?”…The gift of encouragement or exhortation is found in Paul's list of gifts in Romans 12:7-8. The word translated "encourage" or "exhortation" is the Greek word paracletos", or "paraclete" which basically means "to call to one's side." ……"Paracletos" can have several meanings, including exhort, urge, encourage, and comfort. All of […]
“What does the Bible say about Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression?”……Note: as with many psychological issues, there are often both a physical and spiritual aspect of manic depression / bipolar disorder. While we believe psychologists often miss the true spiritual nature of the sickness, we strongly encourage anyone suffering with a mental illness to seek […]
“What is nouthetic counseling?”……Quite simply, "nouthetic" counseling is biblical counseling-it gets its name from the Greek work noutheteo which is usually translated "admonish" Romans 15:14…I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sisters, that you are full of goodness. You know these things so well you can teach each other all about them.. It means […]
“Are faith healers for real? Does a faith healer heal with the same power as Jesus?”……There is no doubt that God has the power to heal anyone at any time. The question is whether He chooses to do so through those who are called "faith healers." These individuals typically convince their audiences that God wants […]
“What is fengshui? Should a Christian practice fengshui?”……Fengshui, which literally means "wind-water," is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws heaven and earth (astronomy and geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive "qi" or energy flow. Fengshui has a long and complex history as to its uses, techniques, and […]
“What is postmodern therapy, and is it biblical?”……Postmodernism is a worldview opposed to modernism. Rather than rely on scientific fact and a sense of absolute truth, postmodernists believe that:Reality is constructed. Reality does not exist apart from observation. Many Christians fear to engage postmodernism, as it clearly denies absolute truth and espouses relativism. However, certain […]
“What is psychoanalytic theory, and is it biblical?”……Psychology and biblical counseling have a history of opposition. However, there are Christian counselors who use certain techniques found in psychological theories while still giving biblical counsel. The key is to critically evaluate the psychological theory against the truth of the Bible to determine what may be helpful […]