Bible Summary / Survey…A good summary / survey of the Bible is difficult to achieve. The Bible is comprised of 2 testaments, 66 different books, 1189 chapters, 31173 verses, and 773692 words. The different books of the Bible cover different topics and were addressed to different audiences. The books of the Bible were written by […]

How Scripture Examines Us I had left a large evangelistic rally in our city one day when I was 21 years old, and was surprised to see the speaker, Leighton Ford, walking across the parking lot where I happened to be. Seeing an opportunity talk to the great man, I introduced myself and told him […]

Are There Paradoxes In Scripture? By Dr. Paul M. Elliott To answer this question, we must first define the term. A reader writes: I recently heard someone say that the Scripture’s teaching on God’s sovereignty in salvation and man’s responsibility to believe are both true and that they are a paradox. I noticed as I […]

How Can We Hear God's Voice in Scripture? Some years back, I did a survey of our church's congregation with the simple question: "If you could ask God one thing, what would it be?" I was not surprised that the most frequent response had to do with the problem of evil in the world, but […]

How Should We Read the Epistles of the New Testament? I was just eight years old at the time, but I still remember the day an irritated elderly lady came storming out of her house to yell at me. I was walking home from our three-room rural elementary school, goofing off with a couple of […]

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE As our key text, I am going to take Revelation chapter 19, verse 10. There an angel told Yohanan: "Worship God! For the testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy." In other words, all prophecy is meant to be a revelation of the Messiah. And our own sages in […]

How Should We to Apply Scripture to Life? It is dangerous to understand the Bible better. It is all too easy for us to feel just a bit of pride about pulling out the meaning of biblical texts, as if we were beginning to master the Scriptures when, of course, exactly the opposite is the […]