Book of 1 Timothy Author: The Book of 1 Timothy was written by the apostle Paul (1 Timothy 1:1).……Date of Writing: The Book of 1 Timothy was written in A.D. 62-66.……Purpose of Writing: Paul wrote to Timothy to encourage him in his responsibility for overseeing the work of the Ephesian church and possibly the other […]

Questions about 2 Timothy …What should we learn from the life of Timothy?……What does it mean that the Bible is inspired?……What are the different theories of biblical inspiration?

Questions about 1 Timothy …What are the pastoral epistles?……What should we learn from the life of Timothy?……What does it mean that women will be “saved” through childbearing (1 Timothy 2:15)?……What are the qualifications of elders and deacons?……What does it mean to be above reproach / blameless?……What does the “husband of one wife” phrase in 1 […]

Book of 2 Timothy Author: 2 Timothy 1:1 identifies the author of the Book of 2 Timothy as the apostle Paul.……Date of Writing: The Book of 2 Timothy was written in approximately A.D. 67, shortly before the apostle Paul was put to death.……Purpose of Writing: Imprisoned in Rome yet again, the apostle Paul felt lonely […]

Timotheus, Timothy [TÔöÇ┬¢mÔö╝├¼’theÔö╝┬ís, TÔöÇ┬ím’o thyÔòá├Ñ] honored of god, worshiping god or valued of god. A young man of Lystra, son of Eunice, a Jewess, by a Greek father who was probably dead when Paul first visited the home (Acts 16:1). The Man Who Confessed a Good Confession As Paul contributes a full portrait of his […]