Your faith is worth more than gold ~ 1 Peter 1:7 Bible numerics By numerics we do not mean numerology. Numerology is from the occult. It attempts to divine the future by drawing significance from numbers. God says not to do that [Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:10-12] By numerics we mean the observation that God has […]

To the Reader If there is anything distinctive about The Message, perhaps it is because the text is shaped by the hand of a working pastor. For most of my adult life I have been given a primary responsibility for getting the message of the Bible into the lives of the men and women with […]

“How does the translation process impact the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Bible?”……Answer: This question deals with three very important issues: inspiration, preservation, and translation.……The doctrine of the inspiration of the Bible teaches that scripture is "God-breathed"; that is, God personally superintended the writing process, guiding the human authors so that His complete message […]

“KJV Only movement? Is the King James Version the only Bible we should use?”……Many people have strong and serious objections to the translation methods and textual basis for the new translations and therefore take a strong stance in favor of the King James Version. Others are equally convinced that the newer translations are an improvement […]

“Why is it important to believe in biblical inerrancy?”……We live in a time that tends to shrug its shoulders when confronted with error. Instead of asking, like Pilate, "What is truth?" postmodern man says, "Nothing is truth" or perhaps "There is truth, but we cannot know it." We've grown accustomed to being lied to, and […]

Where Do Bible Chapter and Verse numbers in our Bibles come from? Chapter and verse numbers are such a familiar (and useful) part of Bible reading that we rarely give them much conscious thought. In fact, verse numbers are so integral to the way we talk about Scripture that it's hard to imagine the Bible […]

“What are the different English Bible versions?”……Answer: Depending on how one distinguishes a different Bible version from a revision of an existing Bible version, there are as many as 50 different English versions of the Bible. The question then arises: Is there really a need for so many different English versions of the Bible? The […]