“What is the Q gospel? …The gospel of "Q" gets its title from the German word quelle which means "source." The whole idea of a Q gospel is based on the concept that the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are so similar that they must have copied from each other and/or another source. This […]
“What is the documentary hypothesis?”……The documentary hypothesis is essentially an attempt to take the supernatural out of the Pentateuch and to deny its Mosaic authorship. The accounts of the Red Sea crossing, the manna in the wilderness, the provision of water from a solid rock, etc., are considered stories from oral tradition, thus making the […]
“What is antithetical parallelism in Hebrew poetry?”……A major literary device in Hebrew poetry is parallelism. Often, the parallelism issynonymous-the same idea is restated in different words, side by side (seePsalm 40:13). Antithetical parallelism provides an antithesis, or contrast. A verse containing antithetical parallelism will bring together opposing ideas in marked contrast. Instead of saying the […]
“What is biblical hermeneutics?”……Answer:Biblical hermeneutics is perhaps summarized best by2 Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Biblical hermeneutics is the science of properly interpreting the various types of literature found in the Bible. For example, a […]
“What is a proverb in the Bible?”……While many questions can be askedand answeredabout the biblicalbook of Proverbs, ascertaining the exact definition of a proverb, including its form, purpose, and interpretation, is rather difficult! Scholars who have dedicated themselves as paremiologists, or students of proverbs, debate various definitions of what a proverb is. Biblical scholars have […]
How to study the Bible…Before we talk about the methods of studying the Bible, we need to consider our purposes. This is not a theoretical question. It is about checking our motives and shaping our attitudes before we enter into the spectacular and challenging task of hearing the voice of the living God. One can […]
“What is textualism?”……Answer:Textualism is the practice of adhering to the actual text of any document. Much courtroom debate centers around textualism as lawyers, judges, and juries must give heed to what the law actually says. Textualism is especially appropriate inbiblical hermeneutics. As conservative Bible scholars are fond of saying, "When the plain sense makes common […]