Tarshish, Tharshish [TÔö£├▒r'shish,ThÔö£├▒r'shish] hard or contemplation. This name is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament, principally in connection with a place hard to identify. The navy and ships of Tarshish prove it to have been of maritime importance. Josephus, the Jewish historian, wrongly identified it with Tarsus (1 Kings 10:222 Chron. 9:21Jonah 1:34:2). A grandson […]

Terah, Tarah, Thara [TÔöÇ├┤’rah,TÔöÇ├╝’ra, ThÔöÇ├╝’rÔöÇ├ó]…–wild goat or turning, wandering.…A son of Nahor and father of Abraham and ancestor of Christ (Gen. 11:24-32Josh. 24:21 Chron. 1:26Luke 3:34). See Numbers 33:27, 28. The Man Who Died Half Way Along with his three sons, Abraham, Nahor and Haran, Terah migrated from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran, where […]

“What should we learn from what the Bible says about Tamar?”……Answer: There are two women named Tamar mentioned in Scripture. Both are tragic figures, women who were ruined by the neglect and abuse of close family members. Their stories seem to be included in Scripture for the purpose of providing historical and spiritual information about […]

Thaddaeus[ThÔöÇ├óddae’us]…–breast, one that praises or man of heart. One of the twelve apostles of Christ (Matt. 10:3Mark 3:18), also called Labbeus, or Lebbeus, and sometimes identified as Jude, who wrote the epistle bearing his name. This apostle then, was known by three names, two of which were terms of endearment used toward him from early […]

Timotheus, Timothy [TÔöÇ┬¢mÔö╝├¼’theÔö╝┬ís, TÔöÇ┬ím’o thyÔòá├Ñ] honored of god, worshiping god or valued of god. A young man of Lystra, son of Eunice, a Jewess, by a Greek father who was probably dead when Paul first visited the home (Acts 16:1). The Man Who Confessed a Good Confession As Paul contributes a full portrait of his […]

“How can I avoid being a doubting Thomas?”……Answer: We should thank God for the example of “doubting Thomas”! The famous story of the disciple Thomas, whose name literally means "doubter," is recorded in John 20:24-29. All Christians suffer doubt at one time or another, but the example of doubting Thomas provides both instruction and encouragement. […]

The Man by the Pool His work: Since the man by the pool was an invalid, he may have made his living by begging. …His character: His role in the story seems almost entirely passive, perhaps in keeping with his character. He showed evidence neither of faith nor gratitude after the miracle of his healing […]