Captive Faith John the Baptist (d. ca. 29) Grows Despondent in Prison Jesus compared Herod Antipas to a fox. John the Baptist fell into that fox's jaws for speaking against his degenerate behaviour. Like his predecessor Jeremiah, John was not idle in prison but continued to speak with his disciples and to explain truth to […]
“Was John the Baptist really Elijah reincarnated?”……Matthew 11:7-14declares, "As John's disciples were leaving, Jesus began talking about him to the crowds. "What kind of man did you go into the wilderness to see? Was he a weak reed, swayed by every breath of wind?8 Or were you expecting to see a man dressed in expensive […]
John the Baptist?”……Although his name implies that he baptized people (which he did), John's life on earth was more than just baptizing. John's adult life was characterized by blind devotion and utter surrender to Jesus Christ and His kingdom. John's voice was a "lone voice in the wilderness" John 1:23…John replied in the words of […]
Haai Cecil , Gaanditgoed ,ek hoop so ? Eksaleers die tweedegedeelte van jouvraagbeantwoordnl.word daarwelna Johannes die Doper in Mat.17 verwys?. Die antwoord is Ja. Aangesiendaar 'n verwarringaangaande die Johannessebestaanwilekkortlikseers'n agtergrondskets van Johannes die Doperweergee. Daar word somsnahomookverwysas die profeet van geregtigheid Ouers: Sagaria (priester) en Elisabet Jeugjare en vorming: Judeawoestyn, waarhysyprofetieseroepingontvang (Luk.1:80 3:2 & Matt.3:1-6) […]