Being Happy: Some Thoughts on Contentment…… Now and then it's good to pause inour pursuit of happiness and just be happy. There is something profoundly annoying about the words “be happy”. I mean, if contentment was that easy, we'd all have it, am I right? Well, things that are simple aren't always easy├ö├ç┬¬ but I […]
I will not be afraid Psalm 34:4“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.… He freed me from all my fears.” There are many things in such a world as ours that can bring fear into human hearts–fear of want, fear of war, fear of rejection, fear of the dark, and a multitude of […]
If you are caught up in a storm of suffering 1. Be free to speak honestly and angrily about your suffering The top sufferers in the bible always expressed their honest anger to God Job:The arrows of the Almighty are in me├ö├ç┬¬. God's terrors are marshaled against me├ö├ç┬¬├ö├ç┬¬What strength do I have that I should […]
“What does the Bible say about arrogance?”……Answer: The words arrogance, arrogant, proud, and haughty are mentioned over 200 times in the NIV Bible. And in practically every occurrence it is a behavior or attitude detested by God. The Bible tells us those who are arrogant and have a haughty heart are an abomination to Him: […]
“What does the Bible say about bitterness?”……Bitterness is resentful cynicism that results in an intense antagonism or hostility towards others. The Bible teaches us to "get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice." It then goes on to tell us how to deal with such bitterness […]
“What does the Bible say about attitude?”……Writing from a prison cell in Rome, the apostle Paul wrote about the attitude a Christian should have: "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ" (Philippians 1:27). He's telling us that no matter what unexpected disruptions, frustrations, or difficulties come our way, we […]
“What does the Bible say about anger?”……Handling anger is an important topic. Christian counselors report that 50 percent of people who come in for counseling have problems dealing with anger. Anger can shatter communication and tear apart relationships, and it ruins both the joy and health of many. Sadly, people tend to justify their anger […]