“What does the Bible say about Creation vs. evolution?”……Answer: It is not the purpose of this answer to present a scientific argument in the creation vs. evolution debate. For scientific arguments for creation and/or against evolution, we highly recommend Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research. The purpose of this article is to […]
“What happened on each of the days of Creation?”……The creation account is found in Genesis 1├ö├ç├┤2. The language of the Genesis account makes it clear that all of creation was formed from nothing in six literal 24-hour periods with no time periods occurring between the days. This is evident because the context requires a literal […]
“How can the light of stars billions of light years away from the earth have reached us if the earth is only thousands of years old?”……Distant Starlight – A light-year is the maximum distance that light can travel in one year in the vacuum of space. Consequently, it takes billions of years for light to […]
“Is creationism scientific?”……There is currently a lot of debate over the validity of creationism, defined as "the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution." Creation science is often dismissed by the secular community and accused […]
“Creation Day 4” Genesis 1:14-19…by……John MacArthur… Thank you for being here tonight and continuing with us in our study of Genesis chapter 1. Let’s open our Bibles to Genesis chapter 1. We come now to day four in creation…day four. It is described in Genesis 1:14 through 19. Let me read that portion of Scripture […]
“How do beliefs about creation impact the rest of theology?”……The creation/evolution debate has been raging for years. To many, it seems like two opposing sides yelling at each other with no one really listening. The vitriol has gotten to the point where each side reflexively dismisses the other ├ö├ç├┤ evolutionists dismiss creationists as completely ignoring […]
“Did God create the universe?”……The scriptural teaching on the origin of the universe is found in Genesis 1:1, which states that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Steven Hawking attempts to circumvent this truth (or, at the very least, render a Creator logically superfluous to the issue of the beginning of […]