The Partial Gospel Apostasy in the Church Part 7 ……By Jim Allen……Grace is a theological word we often toss around without thinking too much about what it means. Although many of us give lip service to understanding grace, we barely know what it is, what it does, or why anyone would want or need it. […]
“If our salvation is eternally secure, why does the Bible warn so strongly against apostasy?”……The Bible teaches that everyone who is born again by the power of the Holy Spirit is saved forever. We receive the gift of eternal life (John 10:28), not temporary life. Someone who is born again (John 3:3) cannot be "unborn." […]
Apostasy in the Church The True Gospel Part 8 of 8 ……By Jim Allen……Believers who profess faith in Christ without having a solid, foundational view of the "true gospel" will be hard pressed to detect wayward evangelicals and their heresies. One such teacher is Les Feldick, a television Bible teacher from Oklahoma, often telling his […]
Angels of Light Apostasy in the Church Part 5……By Jim Allen……Just because a message sounds good and comes from a person who looks good, that doesn’t mean that it is from God. Many pastors today are preaching that God wants to give you everything you want – if you would just have faith / believe […]
A Time to Refrain from Embracing Apostasy in the Church Part 4……ByJim Allen…… "As Christians, we are to be gentle, forgiving, forbearing and accepting of one another. However, when it comes to the message of the Gospel, there can be no compromise and no easy pass for false teachers. The reasons why are first, the […]
Lies Under Cover Apostasy in the Church Part 2……By Jim Allen……Should believers allow pastors to rule over them? This posting is part 2 in an 8 part series about deception in the church addressing the Under Cover book by John Bevere, its teaching, its origination, why it is wrong, and its impact on the church.……Not […]
Requiring a Sign Apostasy in the Church Part 6 ……By Jim Allen……Benny Hinn is a pastor and evangelist known worldwide for his healing ministry. He is a best selling author and a household name among believers and non-believers alike. He is a true master at placing emphasis on personal experience during worship services. Love or […]