“Should a Christian invest money in the stock market?”……Answer: There are those who oppose investment in the stock market, saying that buying stocks is the equivalent of gambling. The argument goes that since stocks are bought in the hope (not guarantee) that they will increase in value, that it is a form of gambling. There […]
Ons is vanaandhierbymekaarom ‘n baieernstigesaaktebespreekwatonsalmalraak, al was ditongeveerseswekegeledehetonsditnognievergeetnie Ma hetnooitregtigvredeoor die aangeleentheidgehadnie.enoor die jareheenhetekgeleer as Ma ‘n “gut feel” hetdankanekmaarglosy is reg . Die pakkie dagga watons – of Martin – by onshekopgetelhet , hetonsna die polisiegeneem en hullehetbevestigdatditwel dagga was, onsheteersgedinkdatditdalk die bouerss’n was maar die pakkiesigaretpapiertjieswatookdaar was hetonslaattwyfel , want hulledraainiezolle met […]
Dagga en die uitwerkingdaarvan Daggarooklaatnormaalwegonuitwisbare bruin daggavlekke op die hande en vingersna . Brandendedaggarookhet ’n tipieseskerp, soetreukmaklikherkenbaar.Dieervaredaggarokersal die rook diepinasem en dan die asemetlikesekondes lank ophouommaksimaleabsorbering van die tetrahidrokannabinolteverseker. Akutebedwelming (om stoned tewees ) veroorsaak ‘n gevoel van ontspanning en euforie . Die persoon se waarneming van tyd, afstand en van syeieliggaam word versteur. […]
“How can I overcome a habitual sin?”……Answer: The first thing to consider in how to overcome habitual sin is to note the change, or transformation, that takes place when a person is saved. The Bible describes the natural man as “dead in sin and trespasses” (Ephesians 2:1). As a result of Adam’s fall into sin, […]
“Is cyber sex a sin?”……Answer: The Bible nowhere mentions cyber sex, obviously, because “cyber-anything” was not possible in Bible times. The Word of God does give us some principles that apply to activities such as cyber sex. Philippians 4:8 tells us, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, […]
“How can I overcome an addiction to internet porn? Can addiction to pornography be defeated?”……Answer: Studies show that terms relating to porn are by far the most commonly searched-for terms in the internet search engines. Every day, literally millions of people do searches related to the porn industry. The powerful imagery of internet pornography is […]
6 Problems with Porn By Ed Stetzer A new study done by Patrick F. Fagan examines the effects of pornography on individuals, marriage, family and community. Fagan is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Research on Marriage and Religion at the Family Research Council. He specializes in examining the relationships among family, marriage, […]