Paradoxes of Scripture…Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything … Proverbs 11:24 “To get, we must give.” This is not the world’s method for attaining prosperity, but it is the paradoxical message of Scripture, as well as that of Christianity in general. Some of the many other paradoxes in the Bible […]

Don't worry Matthew 6:1-34Along with the Pharisees' concern for material gain came the problem of anxiety (6:25). The command "don't worry" was repeated three times (6:25, 31, 34) for emphasis. When God is the master of a person's life, that person has no need to be anxious about his physical needs. This does not mean […]

Being Happy: Some Thoughts on Contentment…… Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. There is something profoundly annoying about the words “be happy”. I mean, if contentment was that easy, we'd all have it, am I right? Well, things that are simple aren't always easy├ö├ç┬¬ but […]