“What does the Bible say about the ice age?”Answer: The Bible doesn’t explicitly mention the Ice Age. It wasn’t something that had much impact upon the writers of the Bible as they all lived in the Middle East, a region far south of the continental glaciations.Creationists are typically delighted by evidence for an Ice Age. They contend that secular dating assumptions are off quite a bit, and they cite the Ice Age as an effect of the Flood. Secular scientists, on the other hand, have difficulty explaining how the Ice Age began. As Dr. Walt Brown points out, “An ice age implies extreme snowfall which, in turn, requires cold temperatures and heavy precipitation. Heavy precipitation can occur only if oceans are warm enough to produce equally heavy evaporation. How could warm oceans exist with cold atmospheric temperatures? Another problem is stopping an ice age once it begins—or beginning a new ice age after one ends. As glaciers expand, they reflect more of the sun’s radiation away from Earth, lowering temperatures and causing glaciers to grow even more. Eventually the entire globe should freeze. Conversely, if glaciers shrink, as they have in recent decades, the earth should reflect less heat into space, warm up, and melt all glaciers forever” (Walt Brown, In the Beginning, 2001, p 92).On topics such as this, we are happy to refer people to resources that are more advanced and more in-depth than we can provide. Dr. Walt Brown explains how the Ice Age serves as evidence for the flood in his above-mentioned treatise, available to read online at – http://www.creationscience.com/. To read how Dr. Brown believes the flood explains the Ice Age, visit – http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/HydroplateOverview.html.For more information on this subject and a creation perspective similar to but slightly different than Dr. Brown’s, I also recommend the links at:http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/iceage.asp.